Friday, May 30, 2014

Catching up where we left off...

There has been a lot happening around here!

First of all, let me just say that keeping up with a (now) 2-year-old is a little difficult at times! Oh, yeah, and the tantrums....screaming, crying, kicking, stomping,  laying in the floor and wailing arms and legs every direction. SO much fun! Especially when you're in public! (giggle)  Oh, the "terrible two's!" However, he still has his moments where he is the the sweetest, most loving little, funniest boy ever and I wouldn't trade a minute of it!

So here is a quick catch up...

Nathanael (usually) loves to eat! His favorite food is pizza and he loves juice (I know...but he will NOT drink milk! I've tried soy milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk etc. He just refuses it! Any advice would be helpful on this!)

Easter 2014

He wasn't so sure about those eggs and all those kids running around! He just wanted to throw them!


Happy 2nd Birthday!

I really can't believe how fast he is growing up! Seriously he is getting so big and learning so much every day! Even though he just turned two, I'm already thinking "Oh my gosh, he is going to be in Kindergarten soon!" (Note to self: "Calm down. Take one day at a time! LOL) 

I think he had a pretty good birthday. We did it in Sesame Street because he LOVES (or loved) Elmo. He got the Big Hugs Elmo for Christmas and packed that thing everywhere with him for months and months, he would even try to feed it.


He is an OUTSIDE person

He L-O-V-E-S it outside and he loves to ride anything that has wheels! Usually if he doesn't lay down and take a nap, we will go for a ride on the 4-wheeler and he will go right to sleep!

He loves playing outside with his cousins too! Especially "Sissy" (my niece Jeslyn, who is 2 months older than Nathanael) and Rylen (who is 5!) They are all big buddies and Nathanael loves playing with them!

So as I sit here finishing up this post, I realize that now I can't move because of this..........He is asleep! LOL

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