Saturday, March 7, 2015


I'm so far behind on this blog, but I finally got a new computer so hopefully I will get back into the swing of things! At least once a month, maybe! This is pretty much a note-to-self kind of post!

So Nathanael is growing like a weed! I dreamed last night that he was up to my shoulders and I just cried! ;)  We had a good Thanksgiving and Christmas! (Need to post some pics sometime). December 6, 2014 made 2 years that Nathanael has officially been home with us! Did I mention how he has grown!

  • He  LOVES Cars (aka Lightning McQueen!) I mean for the past several months, he has watched it 123429870620 times!!!
  • He was into Paw Patrol for a little while, he still plays with his Paw Patrol toys sometimes!
  • Before that, he was crazy over Tickety Toc!
  • He talks up a storm and sometimes he talks so fast and just jabbers and you can't understand anything he says!
  • He is LOUD, all   the   time! LOL ......he gets excited a lot!
  • He knows a lot of colors. He prefers to give mommy anything blue and Daddy gets anything green!
  • Oh he also likes the movie Ice Age and Turbo.
  • He loves going to Church.
  • He has a temper!
  • We haven't had any luck potty training and he's almost 3! We've tried numerous times and he did good for a while and then just completely quit using the potty at all! Every once in a while he will just spontaneously use the potty on his own! He doesn't like to wear underwear, so he goes naked! Sometimes he refuses to wear a diaper and the other day he peed in the floor 3 times within about 45 minutes and yes I believe it was just for spite!
  • He loves his mommy and daddy and it melts my heart to hear him say "I wub you mommy dummy!"
  • Yes, he calls me "Mommy Dummy" - thanks to Joey! But he calls daddy "Joey" 90% of the time! I try to call him daddy too but, he still calls him Joey! lol
  • He can be so sweet but also so mean....terrible 2/3's maybe! Hopefully he will grow out of it, but he is pretty selfish at times! Most of the times it depends on the toy! Some things, he just does not want to share at all! He does better with older kids, or older than him.
  • He loves his Papaw Jay! Everyone does!
  • He misses his daddy when he's gone to work, he usually ask where he's at every morning.
  • His birthday is next month...he already tells everyone that he's having a Lightning McQueen party!
  • He is silly and keeps us laughing!
  • Him and Sissy (Jesalyn, my niece) do not get along 99% of the time! She's an instigator and purposely tries to make him mad! She tells Tamara "I was mean to Bafaniel!" LOL She's a sight! Just like her mommy was when she was little!
  • He loves muffins, pancakes, cereal (Toast Crunch), pizza, pepperoni, cuties, apples, gummies and Wendy's chicken nuggets! Oh and spaghetti, he ate 3 plates the other day!
  • He is picky!   Wouldn't eat the Save-a-lot brand of fruity pebbles because they were in a different box, put them in a real fruity pebbles box and he ate them! There are these little St. Patricks Day cakes that are white with green drizzled icing and he loves them! I couldn't find them the other day and he was wanting a "green cake" so I bought the regular solid white cakes and he would not eat it! He won't eat any chicken nuggets unless they are from Wendy's! I even fixed some and put them in a Wendy's box and he wasn't fooled! Silly kid!
  • He hates anything to do with his hair! Washing, combing, cutting etc... He says "Mommy hurt my hair!" I try my best not too but, with those itty bitty tiny curls its nearly impossible. Then, again I may be doing it all wrong! I want to let it grow out and have it braided/corn rolls but it gets so hard to manage when it gets long! (I need help!)
  • He doesn't like dogs very much! He only likes Lady and she's pretty antisocial! That's why he likes her because she doesn't bother him!
  • When he doesn't want to do something like pick up his toys, he says "Mommy my be-wees hurtin!" Nice trick for a 2-year-old, I dread it when he gets older!
  • We love him more than anything, he truly is a blessing!

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