Friday, October 19, 2012

...Leaving on a Jet Plane....

Well, we found out yesterday that we DO get to keep our court date....which is next week (Tuesday!) WooHoo!!! I have never been SO excited and SO nervous all at the same time!!

Thinking about flying---->  Me = nervous!!! and Sick!!!
Getting to see Nathaniel ------> Me = Soooooooo EXCITED and Happy!!
(Joey seems fine with everyting which is good, because I'm a mess and we both can't be a mess! LOL) I love him so much!

Hopefully, we will have tons of pictures when we get back and once we pass court, I can finally show his face (and he has the cutest little face...just saying!) I can't wait to hold him and it will be hard not to just s-q-u-e-e-z-e him!

We ask that you will continue to keep us in your prayers as we travel and pray that we pass court!!! We probably won't find out until we get home though, because the birth mother won't be there until later next week.

1 comment:

Reena said...

So very happy that the court date worked out!